Thursday, April 23, 2015

evolution and quantum physics

Every peculiar thing in science gets hijacked by occultism.
Now days it is quantum this and that. In the old days (1700s
to mid 1900s) it was magnetism and electricity.
Evolution always plays a big role in occult philosophy.

I am not going to get into the technical problems of the
theory of evolution, and they exist. problems with the
presuppositions of radiometric dating and how different
systems give different results from the same thing, or
a live clam is dated as two million years old.

Occult philosophy wants to take you to some supposed
next level of evolution. The fact is, that even Darwinian
evolution (and all versions of evolution) state that some
evolutionary directions dead end, and some are in fact
degenerate and DE-volve rather than E-volve.

This is never stated by evolutionary mystics, unless
discussing racial issues. The next level racial development
is explicitly considered to be what will replace the previous
or current race, either by the latter's demise of their own
fault, or by genocide.

The phenomenon of parasitism is also ignored in all this.

So how do you know some entities that seem all glowing
and peaceful aren't parasites who want to evolve you into
a spiritual and physical (eventually) dead end that is of
use only to their interests as slaves and food for them,
which might indeed for a while involve you feeling better
and being healthier just as a farmer wants to keep his
livestock healthy for slaughter later?

you don't know.

so best not to listen to them.

All "change" is assumed in the minds of the buzzword
thinkers to be "positive" or good. All "evolution" is
supposedly in the upward or better direction.

But is it? Cancer is a good example of "change," isn't it?

The evolutionary charts of the more complex sorts are
full of examples of species that supposedly degenerated
and died out.

Evolution by its own account of itself is not always for
the better. The huge dinosaurs probably superficially look
better than the smaller more vulnerable versions and
certainly more impressive. But where are they now?

Evolution and mysticism were at the basis of Nazi philosophy.
And for those of you who think only Jews were a target of
elimination to make room for the superior race, guess again.
"Racial hygiene" or "eugenic fitness" or some less problematic
sounding phrase targets the weak and sick among the so called
superior race. Nazis started by killing the "inferior" among
Aryans, and went on to kill Jews and OTHERS and had plans
for the slavs and blacks. Oh, yeah, after they got done
co-opting Christianity as much as they could, they were going
to eliminate us Christians too, that would take longer but the
goal was to install Germanic paganism eventually as the
official state religion. Hitler once expressed the opinion that
it was too bad the Germans and Europeans became Christian,
because islam with its warrior qualities was far more
suitable a religion. Maybe that has something to do with why
satanist David Myatt of the Order of Nine Angles in Britain
converted to islam.

anything written by or involved in by these people should be viewed with caution

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What color is your aura supposed to be?

well, leaving out the issue of whether most who claim to see
auras can do so, and are not just being subjective and self
deceived, and viewing an aura they hallucinate in response
to what they sense about the person anyway,

and leaving out the issue of fraud and calculation and saying
what supposedly it would like if it fit what they figured by
a "cold reading" anyway,

and leaving out the SERIOUS issue of confusing the color
of one's own aura with that of another, whose aura you are
looking at THROUGH YOUR OWN,

lets look at the issue itself.

Confusing everything from the get go is the hindu and Tibetan
and tantric Buddhist based information that links various false
gods and yantra symbols and colors to each one.

In general, if you don't see auras that much, if at all, but are
overwhelmed to it being almost visible, by a sense rather than
a full visual picture of some color about a person, you might
want to sit up and take notice. Most likely dirty brown and dark
colors and black are a bad sign. Red can mean powered up
logically, either in pain or in anger or whatever.

But the thing that has always bugged me most, is the notion
that a golden aura is a sign of superior spirituality. What kind
of spirituality are we talking about here? Even one writer on
it warned that it could become an unwholesome brassy color.
Eastern Orthodox monastics with some experience, say that
a brassy gold with red flecks present is an indication the
devil is involved. My own experience, before I knew anything
about this, was that everyone who had a gold yellow aura
impression about them, had a demonic influence, were to
some degree involved with demons. The only exception were
those with whom I had no conversation or knew nothing

I also noticed this on someone I didn't get to talk with about
this, but he was an old guy who had been in the Flying Tigers
in WW 2 and the subject of the brothel kept for them came up
and he looked back on that with nostalgia and he turned that
not directly demonic in all cases, it is something damn bad,
whether prostitute client or demon familiar linked.

I saw this sometimes a little in connection with some stuff I
later figured out was evil, along with a kind of smile and
narrowing of the eyes.

In general, particulate impression is bad also. Whatever
color, if it is demonic it will be like a mass of particles not
a solid impression, and the latter isn't absent from some
evil either.

At this point I am talking about the color in the atmosphere
the saturation of a place an object or something pouring
into a house or room from somewhere. Blue is anti demon
to a great extent, and is rarely used by them. A very dark
nasty midnight blue is likely evil and muddy grey blues
even though sometimes used as part of the haint blue anti
demon technology so to speak, are probably not good.

In my experience, living in a raunchy hotel, and doing
cleaning in someone's house a few times, a kind of
particulate or streaky white light can be present when
there is cocaine in the systems of the people generating
the influence and saturating the environment.

What does true light do? It makes visible. It doesn't blind
you (though the sun if you were to look straight at it
would be blinding) it doesn't make a fog you can't see in
(aside from the occasional divine miracle of fogs that
interfered with those attacking those praying for help
in Russia and in Anatolia/Byzantium many many
centuries ago), it lets you see more clearly when it is

The RC iconography doesn't help. Highly naturalistic
figures are given a naturalistic looking not artificial and
symbolic looking aura. (maybe some of these artists
had the wrong ideas and spiritual associations anyway,
there is a lot of interesting dirt on popes and artists who
set trends in the Renaissance.) These are golden to pale
and in general look like what you DON'T want to run

The Orthodox iconography is, well, cruder. The halos
are obviously symbolic and not something that seems
to tell you what to expect to see if Jesus or a saint were
to appear, or on a remarkably holy Christian. So this
is safer. Colors have specific symbolic meaning about
suffering, heaven, etc. They are not realistic, so less
likely to create confusion.

It took me a while to figure this out. It was odd to me
that someone could be part of a group of drunks and
have this look from across a street and park. That
someone else who was a heroin user and immediately
engaged in an act of economic deception on a sexist
pretense could seem to have some peaceful nice vibe
and a bit of this white light look.

I finally figured it out, this crap is of the devil. At best,
the effect on the electrical system of generating a self
deceptive or other deceptive fog.

Now lets look at Ecclesiastes chapter 12. People who
never heard of a sheep and knew nothing about
shepherding would not understand anything in the Bible
about it, unless they heard from or read something
written by someone who did. Same with this.

"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while
the evil days come not,....
"Or ever the silver cord [links soul and spirit to body,
reported by many bilocators and some near deah
experiencers] be loosed, OR THE GOLDEN BOWL BE

stop a minute. Golden bowl? this still puzzled me once
I knew what gold implied. But recently by the grace of
God, I figured out that the writer is addressing someone
who has forgotten his Creator, and is living after the
flesh, misled by seducing spirits he may not even know
he has with him. After all, doesn't the writer say,
"Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth"?
why say this to someone who has not forgotten his

The person being addressed has the wrong fleshly-
demonic aura and feels good as is often the case a false
peace, a false pleasure, and the writer is reminding him
to turn to YHWH his Creator and stop getting high on
whatever drugs or state of mind.

"Or the pitcher be broken at the fountain,"
this is still a bit puzzling, perhaps this refers to the
physical side of the death process, the internal breakdown
beginning, or perhaps to a layer of aura that is strictly
about the life supporting electrical system of the body.

"or the wheel be broken at the cistern."
The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. The reason chakras
or wheels are given this name, is because the resemble
wheels, rotating or still, vortices. Exactly how these came
to be known is anyone's guess, probably some who had
the unusual ability, perhaps also while out of their bodies,
may have been able to observe these. Perhaps the writer
of Ecclesiastes had this ability, perhaps the addressee
had this ability and was proud of his misuse of ability.

Both of these, the pitcher at the fountain and the wheel
at the cistern, seem to be involved in getting or managing
life processes for fountains and cisterns relate to water
which relates to life. the pitcher seems to be some function
that would draw from a fountain which is probably fed
by the wheel which draws from some cistern or holder
or collector of life.