Saturday, March 14, 2020

William Branham False Prophet

This is an important book, this link includes purchase
information for pdf version. There are many articles
that discuss this issue you can find using a search
engine also.

you wouldn't think the new age has to do with
pentecostalism and charismatic evangelicalism
now would you? but there are distinct overlaps
to put it mildly. And an alarming thing is that
Alice Bailey said that the churches would be a
key thing in bringing the new age in, by an
infiltration and redefinition of terms so that new
age ideas would replace somewhat similar but
misinterpreted and misapplied (by new agers)
ideas in Scripture.

Branham is part of this mess. Another part is the
developing doctrine attitude of Roman Catholicism
which allows subtle error to build on subtle error
in the visions and apparitions. All you need then
is for a believer in such to become pope, and
something once an optional but unnecessary
belief becomes dogma. or at least a lot of such to
teach in seminaries and the populace (out of which
can come such a pope) believes something.

A pope's pronouncements supposedly have to be
on morals or faith and be given ex cathedra and
the definition of the latter is so dicey yet precise
an odd mix, that it is argued by some that except
for the papal pronouncements of the immaculate
conception of Mary, Mary as Queen of heaven
(a concept in keeping with her being the King Jesus'
mother, in Jewish practice the queen was the king's
mother not one of his wives, but open to misapplication
and suble redirection to pagan notions now visible
in the pachamama debacle) and maybe one other
thing I forget what, this power of infallible pronouncement
has not been used at all and of course was it always
a charism present, or only acquired when it was decreed
by the crew that did so?

Popes are always writing things about faith and morals,
and the people will accept these as if ex cathedra due
to simplicity. it takes a determined priest who does not
accept some point to get these recognized as optional
and opinions not dogmatic definitions of popes.

Another problem is theosis. or divinization. In legitimate
Christian thought, from Peter speaking of us participating
in the divine nature, that's PARTICIPATING not acquiring,
this is like the more traditional protestant notion of
godliness which means godlikeness that is, God's
character such as patience, love, justice and so forth
and self control (one of the fruits as distinct from gifts
of the Holy Spirit).

The mysticism of Eastern Orthodoxy is that of living
according to godliness and bringing the holy with you
out of church into the world to affect the world and
progressively change the profaneness of yourself and
the world (insofar as you can affect it) into more
and more holiness. And this may include in some cases
a gift of discernment of spirits aka clairvoyance where
a monk or someone in the world can read hearts, or
even sometimes a sort of ability to sense things.
Sometimes there are experiences involving icons and
so forth that required discernment and advice from a
spiritual father, if its not a regularly miraculous icon.
Prelest, spiritual deception, a term that varies from a
personal "fancy" to flat out possession, is something
we are warned against.

in new age mysticism and divinization, we are supposedly
either already gods or god in us in a general way and we
are supposed to realize this, or are to become gods by
nature, not adoption and similar goodness like God. This
is of course the lie of the serpent in Eden, that we would
become like God in the transcendent sense knowing
in an experiential and determining as beyond good and
evil being supreme like God His equal or worse yet His
superior. this is the new age lie and it appears in various
forms in the charismatic scene as well.

Branham received the shaktipat in india, and this is what
is transferred in those anointings that track back by succession
to him, which is to say most. kundalini not The Holy Spirit.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Revelation Definitely Written AD 96 not earlier

Jackson, Wayne. "When Was the Book of Revelation Written?" Access date: March 8, 2020.
An effort is made by preterists and scholars after 1831
to date Revelation as early, and all in it come to pass
already. External and internal evidence shows it was
written late.

The sections that cover John's time to near future and now
are Rev. chapters 1-6, with part of the latter unfulfilled
but the context for it is lining up.

The article shows that the attempt to interpret Nero
as the antichrist "is possible only by pursuing the most irresponsible form of exegesis.
To come up with such an interpretation one must:
  1. add the title “Caesar” to Nero’s name;
  2. compute the letter-number arrangement on the basis of Hebrew, whereas the book was written in Greek; and
  3. alter the spelling of “Caesar” by dropping the yodh in the Hebrew.
All of this reveals a truly desperate attempt to find a reference to Nero in the text.
Additionally, Leon Morris has pointed out that Irenaeus discussed a number of possibilities for deciphering the 666, but he did not even include Nero in his list, let alone regard this as a likely conjecture (1980, 38). Noted critic Theodor Zahn observed that Nero was not even suggested as a possibility until the year 1831 (447)."