Sunday, October 16, 2016

Some thoughts on Tantra and the origins of yoga etc.

Tantra is a fast track system of escaping the round of rebirths and achieving
superhumanity and so forth. The well known terms out of occultism "left hand
path" aka LHP and "right hand path" aka RHP come from this. In the left hand
path ceremonies, various forbidden things were done and the woman the man
was to fornicate in "sacred sex" with would sit on his left side. In the right hand
path ceremonies, various forbidden things were done only symbolically, and
the woman partner in this would sit on the man's right side.

Both of course were practicing the forbidden the former in reality the latter in

Tantra included some ideas about manipulation of the energy body or what I call
the outer edge of the soul where it interfaces to the body and supports the body's
life. The number and locations of whirling centers of energy called chakra for
being wheel like (Eccles. 12:6 refers to all this as a reality while denouncing
this as useless for eternal life and a good standing with The Creator YHWH)
varies per system the present form being derived from Theosophy and Hinduism.

Some of this "energy" is just how they interpreted the feel of blood pressure
changes in parts of the body or all over. Some of it is more than that, being a
shift in the flow of the energy or etheric system of the individual (which is NOT
divine any more than the physical body is divine and is NOT your connection to
some all permeating etheric pantheistic deity and if an etheric substrate to
everything exists it is just another thing YHWH created, it is not YHWH
Himself and is not divine).

and worse yet, it can be the motions of a demon brought in by the exercizes.

Laya yoga is tantric in nature. It proposes to force the kundalini energy up through
the various chakras on the spine and into the brain inducing Samadhi more quickly
than usual methods. Eventually one achieves para-Samadhi - which you don't come
out of. In other words, laya yoga is a labor intensive form of suicide.

Now, yoga of the physical sort has some merit for some stretching and affecting
the endocrine system etc., but it is a conveyorbelt to the rest of it, and each position
was revealed by some demon posing as a god to some hermit sannyasi as an
invocation to a different "deity," each posture refers to and invokes a different

the Hindu false god Shiva is connected to a lot of this, and is part of the pre Aryan
Indian scene apparently. Or maybe not. That the Zoroastrians call their angels
ahuras and demons devas, while hindus do the reverse, calling their "good gods"
devas and the demons asuras, fairly screams that some serious religious split
occurred in eastern Persia presaging the move of the devil worshippers into India.

Shiva has some interesting parallels to satan/Lucifer:

"In India, the god of the Hindus, Shiva, bears the name Bhooteshwara (Lord Of Ghosts And Evil Beings), Bhairav – Lord Of Terror, Chandrapal – Master Of The Moon, Kantha – Ever-Radiant (Luminous), Mahamaya – Of Great Illusions, Nityasundara – Ever Beautiful, Pinakin – One Who Has A Bow In His Hand, Bhutapala (protector of the ghosts). Satan is also given all these attributes in the Bible. He is the “ruler of the demons” (Mathew 3:22). His symbol is placed on the forehead."

So when you decide to balance your chakras or that something needs to be done about your
aura, you need to rethink and consider where all this came from.

The typical Christian response (I am a Christian) is to dismiss it all as "deception," in other words
no aura no chakra no etheric body exists. (exactly what that is that leaves the body at death then is
anyone's guess. actually the existence of the etheric body or soul is validated by the Bible.)

But this is wrong. The deception is what to do with them and why. 

Essentially New Age and Tantra (which found its way into Buddhism and probably gave birth
to the twisted form called Mahayana which came to Tibet by some crazy "holy men" who hailed
from India but taught notions of the illuminated master being above good and evil and can do
anything and it is not sin) are against the value of the body. any health to be gained is strictly to
make it easier to do more difficult things to accomplish the ultimate goal, "liberation" from the
body. It is consistent with Gnosticism. it is evil.

God declared all He had made "very good" in Genesis.

I have other articles here on this subject.

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