Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ray Yungen has passed away important research page

Ray Yungen did important research on the New Age practices focusing
on how they have gotten into Christian churches under the heading of
relaxation methods and in some cases supposedly getting closer to God.
(The only flaw I see is that he bought the idea presented by RC and
protestant etc. proponents that contemplative or centering prayer and
lectio divina in the form they are now originated with the Desert Fathers.
Originally one was to contemplate Jesus Christ or some passage in
Scripture and lectio divina was reading The Bible in order to apply it
in life. Now they mean mind blanking and eroding the separate sense
of self identity and confusing yourself with God, or finding the god
within deception or the higher self, which is a disguised demon at
worst, a delusion at best. "Be still and know that I am God" is taken
out of context and made to be something someone says to themselves
about themselves, when it was YHWH (Jehovah) telling David to
calm down, know that YHWH is God Almighty and will deal with
whatever it was. And lectio divina is contemplating some bit of
Scripture to "soak" in it to get in a mood, then shut the book and forget
about it. disconnect between Bible and life, a mood not actual learning
and application and gratitude to the separate from us and from all
creation Creator. The criticism of these practices, however, is correct.)

Ray passed away a few days ago of a rapidly developing cancer.

[CORRECTION: this was not peculiar given his history and the type
of cancer. weakened immune system since childhood, diagnosed at
18 with a blood disorder given 6 months to live, but miraculously
survived until this leukemia was identified and he was too weak to
handle the chemotherapy apparently. Of course, on the other hand,
perhaps he did have some "help" several years ago, and God restrained
it until now.]

This is something peculiar in itself, and nothing unusual among unusual
deaths, that is, people who were onto something, getting too close to
something, too dangerous to some interests somewhere. In other words,
murder. There are a few viruses and chemicals that can start this
process. I would suspect some psychic attack and demonic attack could
do so also.

Which brings us to something special about Ray as an anti New Age
researcher and writer.

Ray recognized that energy that can be sent from the fingertips and
suchlike things are real. I think he actually saw some of it. This is
something that is, as a belief in itself that this is real, dismissed as
being New Age in itself. And in one video I saw, he said that he got
all kinds of trouble from other Christians for this, some wouldn't talk
to him anymore when he said he saw the sparks or whatever coming
off someone's fingertips.

That is wrong. In some cases, this may be a demonically contaminated
flow, or a demon disguised as a flow in some amorphous form. But the
existence of energy fields and centers in the body is indicated by
Ecclesiastes 6:12, and by the original (not sloppy variety) kirlian
photography, which documented the energy signature of the missing
half of a cut leaf, still attached to the rest of the leaf. This is suggested
as the cause of "phantom limb pain" in some amputees.

That passage in Ecclesiastes, in context, is not supporting focus on
or experimentation with these things, rather than one should focus on

What is called the etheric body or astral body is essentially the soul,
the part of it that interfaces to and supports the life of the physical
body without which it (incl. all cells, etc.) is a lifeless lump.

This means that New Age practices are not only dangerous in terms
of facilitating heresy and delusions and demonic contact, but
dangerous in a pragmatic sense: the energy system is deranged by
these practices.

And witchcraft can be a real thing.

This made Ray far more dangerous than the usual anti New Ager.

And with this mindset, he was also talking about Reiki. This is an
extremely dangerous system, because unlike most that rely on the
practitioner managing to affect someone's energy system with their
own, this relies on a "current" received at initiation and spirits that
come with it, and are an essential part of the practice itself.

Someone on Cumbey's blog comments said that reiki puts spirits in
people and their internal only literature says so but that the patient
shouldn't know this.

The Master level of reiki can initiate others. practitioners have reported
the reiki spirits gaining more control over time.

The belief is that if enough people are initiated into master level, that
a kind of critical mass will be reached, and the reiki spirits can
operate more freely.

When I was researching Feri (Anderson) witchcraft, now split into
two or three versions, the egroup which was involving people from
the start of it who knew the founders said that the initiation involved
a "current" which could cause insanity and other problems in people
who were initiated without caution. Almost all on the egroup reported
that part of the results in their lives was being more "open" to
sexual experimentation ranging from promiscuity to perversion.
One at least had the experience of one of their "gods" taking the
form of a seductive barely pubescent little girl with a heavy sexual
atmosphere, like it was leading him in the direction of pedophilia.

Feri being ecstasy rather than fertility oriented is more anything
goes than standard wicca. And it has two sources. One from the
woman founder Cora is Ozark witchcraft, which itself tracks back
to East Anglia in England. A neo pagan who researched witch
traditions uncomfortably admitted in print that these were pretty
much the same as were accused in the medieval witch trials.
Initiation involves sexual intercourse heterosexual. The other is
a wild eclecticism drawing on Hawaiian Huna and flat out
luciferianism by her husband Victor Anderson, who was bisexual
(Cora was not bisexual).

Repeatedly reiki turned up as something the Feri people were also
into and very comfortable with, and they said the initiation involved
passing a current just like the Feri initiation did.

reiki initiation involves meditating on some symbols and getting
in touch with some spirits, the whole thing tracking back to something
that happened to someone on a mountain top in Japan.

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