Monday, May 9, 2016

Remote Viewing Reconsidered - Not A Good Idea

since writing this, I have come to the conclusion that remote viewing is demonically
aided. It may be possible to do something like this without demons, but the whole
thing started with Scientologists who were using information from Hubbard who was
according to his son's biography Messiah or Madman? was a secret satanist and user
of Crowleyite rituals in private. Crowley in turn depended a lot on Vajrayana type
Mahayana Buddhism which is a whole other ball of wax I don't want to deal with here.
But the concept may have come from there. Mahayana Buddhism is so called "Greater
Vehicle" Buddhism which is the type we know most about. Zen may be a bit of a
throwback to the original Theravada or Hinayana ("Lesser Vehicle") Buddhism, but
it includes at times the same notion of the enlightened man being free from all moral
restraints and beyond good and evil. These greater and lesser labels were of course
applied by the Mahayana.

Mahayana in turn is Buddhism plus a plethora of less respectable pagan elements.
Tibetan has at times been the most depraved and is a product of hindu throwback
Buddhist tantrics plus Bon the pre Buddhist paganism and sorcery of Tibet.

The last straw for my suspicions was finding out that the trainees and practitioners
of Remote Viewing, as it was developed at Stanford Research Institute, often fall
back on a "sigil." of which the less said the better.

you can pursue the matter of dangers of Remote Viewing (and while you're at it
of Reiki) on youtube look for Ray Youngen for the latter. four or five videos
were made by an ex remote viewer and I think there are others. These two systems
are not related, but Reiki is even more demonic than RV.

Nevertheless, I think that the fact that Ed Dames came up with the RV result of
no prior lives, no reincarnation, only an illusion of this because of people in the
past who strongly resemble you, and having memories of others that you THINK
are your own in regession, is accurate, it is very similar to my own conclusions
balancing the Bible against reported experiences. At most, reincarnation would
be a kind of possession of the fetus, with two souls sharing one body. not healthy.

But I won't use RV sourced information anymore now that I know the problem.

Before I knew this, I had filled out an application to study this with Ed Dames'
organization online, and I felt someone "view" me. The atmosphere the impression
of the person, was thick and dark grey and a quality I have run into before that
while kind of detatched and neither friendly nor hostile could become hostile and
somehow aside from that seems similar to demonic related stuff.

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